If you need to adjust room availability across your booking platforms, follow these easy steps to make the change directly in the system:
Go to the Pricing Section
From the main menu, select Pricing. Then, choose Daily rates per unit to manage the rates and availability for each room.
Check Current Availability
At the top of this section, you'll see the availability column, which shows the number of rooms available for each day.
Select the Day to Modify
Click on the specific day where you’d like to reduce the room availability.
Adjust the Number of Available Rooms
Enter the new number of rooms you wish to keep available for that day. For example, if you want only 4 rooms available, type "4" in the appropriate field.
Save the Changes
Once you’ve made the adjustment, click on Save changes to record the update.
Confirmation of Update
The updated information will automatically be sent to all connected booking platforms, reflecting the new availability instantly.