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Expedia <> Aloha Pro Connection Guide
Expedia <> Aloha Pro Connection Guide

Step-by-step guide on how to connect the Expedia channel with Aloha Pro.

Updated over a month ago
  1. In the Expedia Extranet
    Go to Expedia Partner Central, and then to "Rooms & Rates."

Next, go to "Connectivity Settings."

Once this is done, select Channex for both the Connectivity and Reservations options.

  1. Creating the Expedia Channel
    Now, go to the Aloha Pro intranet, navigate to the "Channel Manager" tab, then "Channels."

Click the "Create" button and select "Expedia" from the list of channels.

  1. Complete the Fields
    Fill in all the required fields:

  • Title: This is the name you want to give to the channel.

  • Property: Choose your property from the list.

  • Hotel ID: This will be your property ID from Expedia.

  • Minimum Stay Type: Choose the minimum stay type you want to send to Expedia. Typically, it will be "Arrival."

  • Test Connection: Once you enter the details, it should show a successful result. Then, click the next button to proceed to mapping.

  1. Room Mapping
    Mapping to Expedia is straightforward. On the left side, you’ll find all the rooms and rates from Expedia, and on the right, you’ll need to map them.

Select the correct room and rate options and save them.

  1. Activate the Connection
    Once the connection is activated, make sure to activate it on the "Channels" page by clicking the options button and selecting "Activate."

The popup window will close, and you’ll need to activate the channel by going to "Actions" 🔽 and selecting "Activate."

  1. Final Steps
    After completing the above procedure, perform these three actions, which only need to be done the first time you connect and map the channel:

  • Full Sync: Go to "Actions" 🔽 again and open the menu. Click on "Full Sync," then click "OK."

  • Retrieve Future Reservations: Open the menu from "Actions" 🔽 again. Click "Retrieve Future Reservations," then click "OK."

  • Select Full Sync.

Once these steps are completed, the Expedia channel will be fully connected to Aloha Pro.

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